
Lektionslängd: 30 min
Terminsavgift höst (16 tillfällen): 6.400 kr
Terminsavgift vår (18 tillfällen):   7.200 kr

Lektionslängd: 45 min
Terminsavgift höst (16 tillfällen): 9.600 kr
Terminsavgift vår (18 tillfällen):   10.800 kr

Lektionslängd: 60 min
Terminsavgift höst (16 tillfällen): 12.800 kr
Terminsavgift vår (18 tillfällen):   14.400 kr

Terminsavgift: 2.000 kr

Alla priser är inklusive moms. Om du börjar hos oss under terminens gång betalar du bara för de återstående lektionerna.

Ställ er i kö genom att fylla i vår intresseanmälan

  • Efter att vi har kommit överens om lektionstid skickar vi en faktura på terminsavgiften. Möjlighet till delbetalning finns. Terminsavgiften återbetalas ej.
  • Lektionstillfällena följer vårt terminsschema. Elevens eventuella frånvaro eller sjukdom ersätts ej av ny lektion.
  • Elevens eventuella frånvaro ska meddelas till läraren via mail, telefon eller sms så snart som möjligt.
  • Om läraren är sjuk eller frånvarande erbjuds en annan tid eller vikarie.
  • Som elev hos oss får man läxor som man måste öva på mellan lektionstillfällena. Därför måste man ha tillgång till ett eget instrument.

Privacy Policy

We Klassiska Musikskolan i Slottsstaden AB are incorporated in Sweden and we are committed to protecting any data that we collect concerning you. By using our services, you agree to the use of the data that we collect in accordance with this Privacy Policy.

Processing of personal data is regulated by EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (2016/679 GDPR) and The Data Protection Act (SFS 2018:218).

Information collected
We may collect any or all of the information that you give us depending on the type of transaction you enter into, including your or your child name, age, address, telephone number and email address, together with data about your use of our services. We will not collect any personal data from you that we do not need in order to provide and oversee the services we have agreed to provide you with.

Information use
We use the information collected primarily to deliver our services to you. Data collected in Sweden is held in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). All reasonable precautions are taken to prevent unauthorised access to this information. All the personal data we hold about you will be processed by members of Klassiska Musikskolan.

We may share your personal data with service providers who help us deliver a product or service to you. This means that our service providers, such as technical support and accountants, may collect, store and process personal data about you on our behalf. These service providers are only allowed to process your personal data to provide the service we have requested from them. They may not use your personal data for the benefit of their own business.

Disclosing information
We do not disclose any personal information obtained about you to third parties except when we need to do so in order to deliver our service to you, when required to do so by law, or with your consent.

How long will we keep it
We will generally keep your personal data for a minimum of 2 years, after which time it will be destroyed if it is no longer required for the lawful purpose(s) for which it was obtained.

Keeping you informed
We may use your information to keep in contact with you and inform you of developments associated with our business. You will be given the opportunity to remove yourself from any mailing list or similar device.

Your rights under the GDPR
You have qualified rights to access, rectify and erase your personal data, and to restrict or object to processing, and to make your data portable. If you believe that your personal data has been processed in violation of applicable regulations or that your data protection rights have not been respected, you are entitled to complain to the Swedish Data Protection Authority. For contact details, see below or read more on complaints on the Swedish Data Protection Authority's website.

Datainspektionen (The Swedish Data Protection Authority)
Box 8114
104 20 Stockholm

Changes to this policy
Any changes to our Privacy Policy will be updated here on our website and will supersede this version of our Policy. We will take reasonable steps to draw your attention to any changes in our Policy.

Contact Us
Klassiska Musikskolan
Nordlinds väg 95
217 73 Malmö

Håkan Quennerstedt, VD
004670-540 77 08


Dessa veckor sker undervisning under höstterminen 2024.



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